Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

3D Imaging for Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty

Getting breast implants is a very personal decision. As you consider having breast implants placed, you often wonder about how they may appear after your surgery. It is difficult to imagine without pictures or 3D imaging. Fortunately, there are many different technologies that allow you to be able to customise your breast implants before your surgery. Dr. Philip Richardson’s practice in Brisbane utilizes Vectra 3D imaging software that allows you to manipulate and see your new body before any procedures.

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What is Vectra 3D imaging?

Vectra 3D imaging allows you to have complete control over your breast implant size and shape. The software creates a photorealistic image of your breasts with different kinds of implants. The technology is very detail oriented, designed to show a very (but not perfectly) realistic image. With this technology, you do not have to guess how your body may appear.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Richardson, he will use the system to take many pictures of your breasts at different angles so that Vectra 3D software can create a model that he can manipulate to your specific proportions. The Vectra 3D imaging has the ability to manipulate the size of the implant and see how that would affect the breast tissue and shape. In addition, it also has a side by side comparison between your current body and your new body with the implants. This allows you to see how much of a change will occur.

​What are the benefits of Vectra 3D technology?

There are many benefits to using 3D imaging technology when determining your breast implant size and shape. Older methods such as a sizing bra can provide a rudimentary feeling of your breasts implants but fail to allow you to envision how they may visually appear.

The new technology takes high resolution images that mimic your natural appearance in the models. There is no more guesswork in figuring out the exact shape and size of your breasts because the system accounts for your unique features.

Using your body shape, the technology allows you to choose many different implant sizes to try out. The model will render an image of your breasts with a small or large implant. This allows you to see if you prefer the appearance of a big or small implant. Because your body is unique, not all sizes will appear the same, so customised choices will refine your results. 

With just written details and no images, your surgeon may struggle to envision the same goals as you.  However, due to the fine details and accuracy of the models, you and Dr. Richardson can understand and visualise the same goal. Remember, however, that although the technology has advanced accuracy, the image may not perfectly reflect your final result. You should discuss realistic expectations with your surgeon.

If you are considering breast augmentation mammoplasty in Brisbane, Dr. Richardson offers breast implant visualisation technology at his office. He can assist you in visualising your results without having to make a single incision with the use of his Vectra 3D modelling software. Call his office today at (07) 3268-3774 for a consultation and a chance to see your new breasts or contact his office online to learn more.

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