Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

After Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Surgery: What to Expect Long-Term

What to expect from a breast reduction mammoplasty years later is a rarely discussed topic in the online space. What will your breasts look like 2 years after breast reduction mammoplasty surgery and beyond? This blog post aims to provide important information to breast reduction mammoplasty patients about what to expect and consider after the surgery. Breast reduction mammoplasty is one of the most popular procedures Brisbane plastic surgeons like Dr. Phil Richardson offer. Unlike other cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation mammoplasty, it is often a medical procedure and is designed to alleviate physical pain and discomfort caused by excessive breast tissue. Breast reduction mammoplasty surgery plays a role in health-related quality of life for many patients.

As you probably already know, there are a huge number of online forums dedicated to sharing experiences of plastic surgery in Brisbane. Many of these forums focus on preparation and recovery after surgery. An under-reviewed topic in the online space is long-term breast reduction mammoplasty results and implications. Often patients that have had a breast reduction mammoplasty stop engaging in online forums after their surgery and enjoy their newfound physical freedoms. So, what is life like down the track after the procedure, and what do patients need to consider in the long-term? Let’s talk about it.

2 Years After Breast Reduction Mammoplasty and beyond: Aesthetic Outcomes

Anecdotal evidence will tell us that the majority of patients who undergo breast reduction mammoplasty do so to alleviate physical discomfort. Aesthetic changes in the breasts can be a difficult pill to swallow for these patients because they are so used to having a full bust and dressing for their shape. It’s important that patients see a fully qualified plastic surgeon with significant experience in breast reduction mammoplasty who will help them attain their desired realistic outcomes. 

Dr. Richardson has performed over 2,000 breast reduction mammoplasties in the past decade and has over 19 years experience as a breast specialist. His view is that long-term breast reduction mammoplasty is usually positive. However, risks increase if the patient has breast implants. Breast implants can increase the risk of long-term changes because not only do implants create additional downward pull on the breasts, but there are also a myriad of possible, implant-specific complications such as capsular contracture.

Dr. Richardson says that patients who have experienced significant weight loss or weight gain after their breast reduction mammoplasty surgery are likely to see changes in their breasts. Weight gain can cause breast tissue to come back or breasts to look disproportionate to the rest of the body. Weight loss on the other hand can result in volume-loss in the breast creating an empty or lax appearance. Patients will also see similar types of changes if they have children or breast feed after surgery. Revision breast reduction mammoplasty is also an option if the candidate is suitable. Patients should understand that they will need to cover the full costs of this type of revision procedure.

Long-term breast reduction mammoplasty results: Lifestyle Considerations

Many breast reduction mammoplasty patients agree that one of the best benefits of surgery is the ability to be active again. The reduced strain of the breasts make it so much easier to engage in physical activities and lead an overall healthier lifestyle. This lifestyle change can be unfamiliar and takes adjusting. There are a few things patients should consider to maintain their long-term results.

Post-operative support during dynamic physical activities will be of the utmost importance to maintain results and avoid complications.

Scarring after breast reduction mammoplasty surgery is one of the main concerns of patients. The scarring after this procedure is commonly more extensive than a breast augmentation mammoplasty. The incisional approach that Dr. Richardson uses is the anchor pattern. Patients should engage in proper scar prevention and management, and patient can read about prevention and management of breast surgery scars here.

Long-Term Health Considerations after Breast Reduction Mammoplasty:

A common benefit of breast reduction mammoplasty surgery is that it can make routine breast exams must easier for patients. It’s important that patients stay on top of their routine self breast exams. You should learn to navigate your new breasts to check for irregularities. Patients should also stay on top of their routine mammograms after breast reduction mammoplasty surgery. Finally, it’s a good idea to notify your mammogram technician of previous breast surgery. This is to ensure they have full context and are conducting the appropriate examination for you.


Breast reduction mammoplasty can be a great procedure but there’s not a whole lot of information out there about long-term outcomes. This blog post aims to shed some light on life after surgery. Hopefully, this information will equip patients with knowledge to aid their safety and satisfaction post-operatively.

If you have any questions about breast reduction mammoplasty or want to schedule a consultation with the Brisbane plastic surgeon Dr. Phil Richardson, contact us today.

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