Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Five Tips To Choosing Natural Looking Breast Implants in Brisbane

When it comes to choosing your new implants, you deserve only the best. There are many different doctors and kinds of implants available, but it is important to choose wisely. Not all implants and surgeons are equal. Dr. Phil Richardson offers some of the following tips to choosing natural looking breast implants in Brisbane.
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Use an excellent 3D imaging software like Vectra 3D Imaging.

By being able to visualize a 3D image of your projected results after your procedure, you can narrow your choices far easier than with descriptions. You and your doctor will no longer struggle to see eye to eye about your perfect body image. Now you and he can visualize your breasts to the exact detail. The imaging software can also allow you to manipulate the breasts without having to have multiple procedures. You can customize the material, size, and shape all with the click of one button.

Natural is better than bigger.

When deciding what size, you should aim toward having an implant that appears natural over one that is excessively large. Too large of an implant can appear artificial and cause back strain & complications. With the perfectly shaped implant, your breasts will appear both natural and feel comfortable. Dr. Richardson will guide you in choosing the correct size of your implant with his careful inspection and vast knowledge.

Consult a certified plastic surgeon with experience with breast augmentations.

Your doctor will be performing your breast augmentation, and therefore, you deserve only the best. With a board certified doctor like Dr. Phil Richardson who has trained for many years and who successfully treats hundreds of patients each year, he can operate in such a manner that leaves minimal scarring and beautiful long lasting results. His background and education have trained him to visualize what kind of implants would best complement your shape and give you your desired appearance.

Seek silicone over saline.

Many practitioners recommend having silicone implants placed instead of saline. Silicone implants have a more realistic feel and shape rather than saline. Silicone implants do not have a risk of leaking and are generally safer than saline. In addition, silicone implants feel more comfortable than saline, which can feel artificial.

Pay attention to placement.

Dr. Richardson recommends that thinly built women should have their implants placed under the muscles to create an even appearance to the breast. When the implant is inserted above the muscle, it can distort the breast skin and tissue. Depending on your case, Dr. Richardson will determine where your implant should be placed, but usually, for the best results, he will insert it under your muscle.

These tips are only guidelines to having your implant appear natural and last many years. To have the best results, you need to consult with a professional like Dr. Richardson. With his knowledge and expertise, Dr. Richardson can guide you in finding the options and placement for your new implant. He holds the same goal of creating a perfect breast and chest as you do.

For more information about deciding about your many implant options, call Dr. Richardson’s office at (07) 3268-3774 or schedule your first appointment on his website.

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