Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Inquiries After Breast Enhancement Surgery

Q: Is it normal to experience moderate to severe pain three days post breast augmentation – specifically in the suture line?

A: Pain post operatively is common and it’s common to have pain in one side and not the other. Pain can be in the suture line, towards the outside of the breast or in other areas of the breast. Pain may come and go or may be more constant and in the absence of signs of infection such as redness, swelling, temperature and discharge and in the absence of haematoma which is a large swelling on one side then the pain is usually nothing to worry about and will settle on it’s own relatively quickly. It may be associated with one of the deep sutures that I use to close the wound or it may even be associated with the implant itself.

Q: A patient was concerned regarding swelling on the top of her breasts five days post breast augmentation – Is this normal at this stage of recovery?

A: Swelling in the upper part of the breast is very normal and relates to both pectoralis major muscle swelling and pectoralis major muscle spasm and sometimes implants in a relatively high position. The swelling always subsides and the implants drop down into position. Swelling can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Cold packs can help reduce this swelling as can elevation when sleeping perhaps on a few pillows or a recliner.

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