Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Post-Procedure Expectations for Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty

recovery1At Brisbane Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation mammoplasty is a procedure that utilizes silicone implants to enhance bust dimensions and symmetry, aiming for a balanced figure. Understanding the recovery process is crucial for individuals considering this procedure. Dr. Phil Richardson and his team are committed to providing comprehensive information about the recovery journey, from the immediate post-operative phase to long-term healing.

Immediate Post-Operative Period

Typically, patients return home on the same day as their procedure. The initial 24 to 48 hours post-procedure can involve discomfort and, for some, temporary reactions to anaesthesia such as nausea. Rest is paramount during this period, and having support from a friend or family member can be beneficial.

One Week Post-Procedure

During the first week, common experiences may include bruising and swelling, which are managed with a supportive garment worn continuously for six weeks. This helps with swelling reduction and supports the healing trajectory. Our nursing team will maintain regular contact to monitor your recovery, and any discomfort can be managed with prescribed medication.

Two to Six Weeks Post-Procedure

Most patients find that by two to four weeks, the initial side effects significantly reduce. By the end of the second week, many individuals are able to resume work and day-to-day activities, barring strenuous exertion. Follow-up appointments at two and six weeks post-procedure allow Dr. Richardson to assess the healing process. As swelling subsides, the changes from the procedure become more evident. After six weeks, the supportive garment is no longer needed, and a return to more active routines is typically possible.

Six to 12 Months Post-Procedure

The period between six to 12 months marks the emergence of the final outcome, with the implants settling and scars maturing and becoming less noticeable. Follow-up visits at six and twelve months are part of the ongoing care to ensure satisfactory results.

Consultation Invitation

For a deeper understanding of breast augmentation mammoplasty and its potential outcomes, we welcome you to book a consultation with Dr. Phil Richardson.

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