Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Post-Procedure Expectations for Breast Enhancement

95790838-xsFor individuals seeking to adjust their breast size for a more balanced figure, breast enhancement surgery is a frequently chosen option. Phil Richardson, a skilled plastic and cosmetic surgeon, is committed to providing a high-quality surgical experience and supporting a smooth recovery for his patients in Brisbane.

Understanding the Recovery Journey

Post-surgery, once you have recuperated from the anaesthesia, you will be discharged to continue recovery at home under the care of an adult. Initially, rest is essential, and while light activities can be resumed after about five days, it is advisable to refrain from vigorous activities. Typically, patients feel ready to resume their professional responsibilities within one to two weeks, provided they feel comfortable operating a vehicle. A gradual return to exercise is recommended after six weeks.

During recovery, the following are common experiences:

Managing Discomfort

It’s normal to feel discomfort in the initial days post-procedure. This discomfort may be localized or more general, and its intensity can vary. Dr. Richardson will provide tailored pain management solutions to suit your needs.

Changes in sensitivity or sporadic tingling in the nipple and breast area are also common. A sensation similar to a sunburn is typical but will diminish over time. Gentle massage with a suitable cream may aid in comfort and scar appearance. Scars generally become less noticeable as time passes.

Duration of Bruising and Swelling

Post-operative swelling is managed with a compression garment, and you will be provided with supportive attire for the initial six weeks to aid in healing. Swelling, particularly in the upper breast area, may persist for several weeks. As the skin adapts to your new contour, a sensation of tightness is expected. Swelling may also extend to the abdominal area and underarms.

Swelling can be alleviated with cold compresses and by resting in an elevated position. Most bruising and swelling typically improve within two weeks, after which the implants will settle into their final position.

Addressing Rare Complications

While uncommon, it’s important to be aware of potential complications such as excessive bleeding, infection, and issues related to the implant. Dr. Richardson takes proactive measures to minimize these risks.

Upon discharge, you will receive medications including antibiotics to prevent infection. Any signs of infection should be reported to our office immediately.

Ongoing Care and Support

Our nursing team will check on you the day following your procedure. Follow-up appointments are scheduled at various intervals over the first year to monitor your healing process, all of which are included in the initial surgery fee.

Exploring Breast Enhancement Further

For those interested in breast enhancement, Brisbane Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery offers consultations to discuss the procedure in detail.

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