Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty Risks
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Breast Implant Safety

All surgical procedures have risks. You should be aware of these risks prior to booking an appointment and acknowledge these risks prior to undergoing surgery. Consequently, we want to ensure that every patient has knowledge of breast implants safety and breast implant risks. There are risks that are both related to general surgical procedures, as well as specific breast augmentation mammoplasty risks. Firstly, we will discuss the general surgical risks that can pertain to any procedure. Then, we will discuss the risks that are specific to patients undergoing breast augmentation mammoplasty. 

Some risks of general surgical procedures include:

Bleeding and haematoma
Wound separation or delayed healing
Inflammation and infection
Sore throat
Painful or infected intravenous line site
Other anaesthetic complications
Sensitivity or allergy to dressings and tape
Unsatisfactory result
Post-operative fatigue/depression
Deep vein thrombosis
Allergic reaction
Chronic pain
Stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrhythmias 

All of these complications can occur, however they are very rare in otherwise fit and healthy patients. For instance, the risk of wound separation and delayed healing is more prominent for patients who are smokers. Also, patients with an unhealthy BMI which is either too low or high will also be at higher risk. In addition to the general risks of surgical procedures are the specific breast implant risks. A common questions women ask in the consultation is: are breast implants safe? To answer this question we refer to the specific risks associated with breast implant safety. 

Breast Implant Risks

Implant malposition
Double bubble
Capsular contracture
Calcium deposit in the capsule
Fluid accumulation around the implant
Altered nipple sensation
Thrombosis of veins within the breast
Leakage of implants
Implant extrusion
Skin wrinkling or rippling
Long-term results
Interference with mammography

These complications are rare, however it is important that patients understand each one and can identify symptoms. Patients with breast implants should stay on top of their routine check-ups and ultrasounds. Here at Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery we make this easy because we offer a lifetime follow-up guarantee. This guarantee provides patients with entirely bulk-billed breast implant reviews, forever. We actively follow-up our patients yearly to book these appointments so you never have to worry. Why do we provide this service? Because we want to ensure our patients are supported throughout their entire journey, and far into the future.

Breast Implant Illness: Breast Implant Risks

Some women are concerned about breast implant risks and breast implant safety due to the rise in reports of “breast implant illness”. Because the scientific evidence is currently limited surrounding the existence of any implant-related illness, we know very little about this phenomena. Current anecdotal evidence cites an extremely broad range of general symptoms that cannot be attributed to breast implants, however further research is being done in this field. As a result, here at the clinic we are open to discussion regarding breast implant illness and some of the common symptoms cited by a number of women across the globe. We aim to provide you with a balanced view of the scientific evidence and the public discussion surrounding this topic.

To conclude, there are numerous risks to be aware of when it comes to breast augmentation mammoplasty. Firstly, you should consider the general surgical risks. Then, patients should consider the breast implant-specific complications. Learning about breast implants safety is the first step to a positive experience, and we strive to help all of our patients become experts on the topic.



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