Cost of Fat Transfer to Breasts | Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery
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Cost of Fat Transfer to Breasts

23rd May, 2019

Learn all about fat transfer including the costs of fat transfer to the breasts in this blog with Dr. Phil Richardson

What is fat transfer?

Fat Transfer to BreastsIn recent years, fat grafting or fat transfer breast augmentation in Brisbane has become increasingly popular, with many surgeons now offering this treatment to their patients. Historically, there have been very few alternatives to breast implants. No doubt, there are countless products that claim to increase breast size. There are even entire blogs dedicated to natural remedies thought to increase breast size. Yet, no treatment has seen greater success than surgical enhancement through breast augmentation and breast implants.

More recently however, advances in fat grafting techniques has seen successful transfer of fat from areas such as stomach, hips, and thighs, to the breasts to increase breast size. The concept of fat transfer has grown in popularity over the past 5 years in response to the likes of Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, who have brought the “BBL” or Brazilian Butt Lift procedure into the spotlight. This procedure involves fat transfer from another body area to the butt to create an enhanced hourglass figure. Their famous plastic surgery pursuits have created significant attention around liposuction and fat grafting techniques, and increasingly we are seeing patients at our Hamilton and North Lakes surgery practices requesting more information about similar procedures.

Fat grafting to the breasts is an exciting development in the Australian plastic surgery industry. A major concern for many considering breast augmentation is the possibility of noticeably fake breasts, and fat transfer can be used in conjunction with breast implants to help achieve a more natural look, or closer cleavage. In less common cases, fat transfer can be performed as a standalone procedure. The goal of this is to help patients increase their natural breast size. Dr. Philip Richardson is one of the first breast surgeons to offer fat grafting in Brisbane and has helped many patients achieve their aesthetic goals through fat transfer to the breasts.

What is the cost of fat transfer to the breasts?

In Australia, the cost of fat transfer to the breast starts from roughly $14,000. This is more expensive than a standard breast augmentation with breast implants. The high price point is due to the amount of extra equipment, preparation, and the time required in operating theatre. There is significantly more work and preparation required to perform fat transfer. Additionally, the appropriate equipment must be ordered to the hospital. It is important to also note that more than one surgery is generally required for patients to see noticeable and permanent results. You will read more about the pros and cons later in this article.

Why would people choose to undergo fat grafting?

There are a number of reasons a patient may be interested in fat transfer breast augmentation

  • Women are unwilling or unable to have breast implants due to personal factors
  • Women are having breast implants and would like to achieve a more natural look or closer cleavage
  • The procedure is minimally invasive in comparison to a breast augmentation
  • The procedure involves the harvesting of unwanted fat , which can have additional body shaping effects.

How does fat grafting work?

As the name suggests, fat transfer involves the removal of fat from one or more areas and re-injection into another area. The goal is to increase volume and contour the body according to a patient’s aesthetic desires. Dr. Richardson performs fat transfer breast augmentation in Brisbane. The process begins with liposuction. This is a process whereby fat cells are taken through a hollow instrument (cannula) which is inserted under the skin. A high-pressure vacuum is applied to essentially suck the fat through the cannula. This article by Medical News Today provides a comprehensive review of all aspects of liposuction. A key point to take from the article is that liposuction does not remove cellulite, dimples, or stretch marks. The procedure permanently removes fat cells to alter the shape of the body. Dependent on the amount of fat required, repeated treatments may be necessary.

The fat that has been harvested through liposuction will then be processed through special fat grafting technology. Dr. Richardson regularly uses the Revolve grafting system which is designed to filter, wash, and remove collagen strands from the fat. The goal of this technology is to ensure high-quality, pure fat is extracted from the canister. This is to create successful transfer outcomes and reduced complications. This process will be undertaken while the patient is under general anaesthetic.

Once the fat has been filtered, these fat cells will then be re-injected into the patient’s breasts using a syringe to attempt to create the desired fullness in certain areas. There are no incisions associated with fat grafting, but rather puncture marks and bruising in areas where the fat has been either removed or injected.

Who is suitable for fat transfer to the breasts in Brisbane?

  • Fat grafting to the breasts is best suited to women who are happy with the shape and profile of their breasts, but would simply like to increase breast size.
  • It is most suitable for women who have implants that would like to achieve a more natural look, or closer cleavage.
  • In some cases, patients who are having a breast implant removal and would like some additional size post-operatively may be suitable.

Fat grafting is not suitable for patients who:

  • Are seeking a significant size increase in their breasts
  • Want to see a significant change in the shape or position of their breasts
  • Are not willing to potentially undergo multiple procedures


Following surgery, dressings will be applied to the treated areas and compression garments will be provided to support healing. You will likely need a few days to a week off work and should avoid any strenuous activities until you are given the all clear at your post-operative appointment. Soreness is to be expected in both the breasts and the areas where liposuction has been performed.

Most people will feel confident in a moderate level of activity the day following surgery, granted they did not have implants in the same procedure. Swelling and bruising is normal, and will subside over a few days. It is also important to note that your breast size will go down during the first few weeks and months post-surgery, and will be at their fullest directly after the procedure. The final results of fat transfer to the breast can generally be evaluated at the 6 month mark. By this stage, your breasts will have softened considerably and will be at their final shape and size.

The Verdict

Dr. Philip RichardsonThere are a number of things to consider when weighing up the cost of fat transfer to the breasts and whether this is the right procedure for you. Ultimately at this stage, fat grafting is most effective when combined with breast augmentation using implants, as it can help create more natural results. The effectiveness of the procedure is difficult to determine, and patients often need multiple sessions to achieve their desired results. If you have the resources, and feel you are a suitable candidate, this procedure can yield beautiful results for patients. If you would like to find out more about this popular procedure, contact us to book your first consultation with Dr. Richardson.

Posted on May 23, 2019 By , in
Dr. Philip Richardson

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